Credit card warranty protection can often outlive the manufacture’s warranty. This is a great advantage. Charging purchases with your credit card can be more beneficial than using cash or check when making purchases. This added benefit can replace defective merchandise after the other warranty ends.
Credit Card Warranty – Added Protection on your purchases
This, not the same kind of warranty that is offered at the store when you buy an item. These type of extended warranties can sometimes cost almost half the price of the item you purchased. Many consider these types of extended warranties a waste of money. This can be a costly expense for something that may never be used.
Some credit card companies offer this credit card protection warranty plan. This warranty protection is free of charge. Consumers need to research credit card companies that provide this added benefit. Coverage can vary depending on the credit card. American Express, for example, will cover refurbished items. Discover, and American Express will offer this coverage to any of their card members. If you carry a Visa or MasterCard, you will need to look at your cardholder agreement to see if you will receive these same benefits.
No Need to Do More credit card warranty
You don’t need to do anything to get this additional credit card warranty protection. You don’t even need to sign up. Just show the receipt of the purchase and that you used that credit card company’s credit card to buy it. This added warranty protection can bring peace to consumers.
Hopefully, this added warranty protection is offered by your credit card company. If not, you may consider looking for this feature for your next credit card. You can find this information on many credit card application sites. If you do not find this information online, call the credit card company directly. This type of credit card warranty coverage is one of the many ways you can save by using a credit card.
This content is not provided or commissioned by American Express. Opinions expressed here are author’s alone, not those of American Express, and have not been reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by American Express. This site may be compensated through American Express Affiliate Program.
Advertiser Disclosure for the CreditFast website –, provides information about the best credit card applications, as well as other financial products and services. Our goal is to provide you with fair, balanced reviews. Some credit offers that appear on our website are from companies from which CreditFast receives compensation, and some are not.
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